Ramin Assemi

Ramin Assemi

Marketing at Close, the inside sales CRM of choice for startups, SMBs & SaaS companies. Eater of edible things. Sunrise aficionado.

25 posts

Why the best inside sales people network with people outside their industry
Sales Skills

Why the best inside sales people network with people outside their industry

Early in my career, the majority of my business contacts came from my immediate circle. They were people who wrote about the things I wrote about. Thought about the world the way I did. Did the kind of work I did and even spent the majority of their time at the same events I went to
Ramin Assemi
August 2, 2017
What every inside sales team needs to know about using LinkedIn for prospecting, qualifying & closing deals
Prospecting & Lead Generation

What every inside sales team needs to know about using LinkedIn for prospecting, qualifying & closing deals

In the inside sales rep’s toolkit, LinkedIn is definitely a hammer. But as with any tool, if you’re not equipped with the training and knowledge to use LinkedIn correctly, you’re never going to reap the full benefits.
Ramin Assemi
June 28, 2017
3 things every cold email should have (backed by research)
Sales Outreach

3 things every cold email should have (backed by research)

Have you ever sent an email and been met with nothing but silence on the other end? Have you ever put in the effort to rewrite an email four or five times and still heard crickets?
Ramin Assemi
June 21, 2017
13 ridiculous sales hiring mistakes even smart sales leaders make (and how to fix them)
Sales Skills

13 ridiculous sales hiring mistakes even smart sales leaders make (and how to fix them)

Here’s a simple truth: The world has too many mediocre salespeople, and not enough great ones. Which makes hiring the great ones really, really difficult.
Ramin Assemi
April 24, 2017
Segment.com's VP of Business on how to succeed in sales
Sales Management

Segment.com's VP of Business on how to succeed in sales

How does a world-traveling bicyclist/activist/corporate lawyer/nonprofit founder go from being a junior BDR to a VP of Business within a few years? Not how you’d think.
Ramin Assemi
March 23, 2016
Trial by fire: The new manager’s guide to building a sales team
Sales Management

Trial by fire: The new manager’s guide to building a sales team

Building a SaaS sales team from scratch? Watch this interview with Justin Gold where he shares from the frontlines of a fast-growing SaaS startup in San Francisco: Poll Everywhere.
Ramin Assemi
January 7, 2016
3 principles of killer SaaS pricing pages
SaaS Sales

3 principles of killer SaaS pricing pages

You love your product—it’s been your baby from day one. You pour all your time, energy and money into building it. Sticking a price tag on this effort is harder in some ways: How do you put a number on all of your hard work and energy? How do you communicate enduring value with a dollar sign?
Ramin Assemi
December 10, 2015
30 sales motivation quotes for 30 days of November

30 sales motivation quotes for 30 days of November

In case you’ve missed them or are in serious need of sales motivation quotes, here are all 30 videos we published this month. Theoretically, since each video is less than a minute long, you could watch them in half an hour. Although we can’t guarantee what will happen to you if you do!
Ramin Assemi
December 6, 2015
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