Chintan Zalani

Chintan Zalani

I help SaaS companies with content marketing.

19 posts

How to Say No to Discount Requests
Sales Operations

How to Say No to Discount Requests

Saying no to a customer? It’s a delicate task. You don’t want to lose them—or piss them off. Use these methods to turn down discount requests.
Danielle Antosz, Chintan Zalani
July 24, 2023
How to Create a Compelling Value Proposition (with 6 Examples…)
Sales Operations

How to Create a Compelling Value Proposition (with 6 Examples…)

Your unique value proposition is the pitch to persuade prospects to buy from you over your competition. Learn a simple method to write yours (with interesting value proposition examples). Here's what most people do to achieve that:
Chintan Zalani
June 8, 2023
What Is Cross Selling: Definition, Examples, and Ultimate Guide
Sales Operations

What Is Cross Selling: Definition, Examples, and Ultimate Guide

Cross-selling is selling complementary products to your existing customers. Here’s how your sales team can leverage this strategy to increase sales for your SaaS business.
Chintan Zalani
April 25, 2023
How to Identify Internal Champions to Close More Deals in B2B
Enterprise Sales

How to Identify Internal Champions to Close More Deals in B2B

An internal champion is an employee at your prospect’s organization who’s also a passionate ambassador for your product. Developing internal champions has the following benefits in a B2B sales environment...
Steli Efti, Chintan Zalani
April 11, 2023
Cold Calling? Here’s Why Your Tonality Matters for Sales Calls
Sales Outreach

Cold Calling? Here’s Why Your Tonality Matters for Sales Calls

What you say in a pitch will not matter if it’s said unconvincingly. Here’s how to master tonality in sales to better engage prospects and close more deals.
Steli Efti, Chintan Zalani
April 10, 2023
Sales and Marketing Alignment: 8 Proven Strategies to Increase Collaboration and Drive Revenue
Sales Operations

Sales and Marketing Alignment: 8 Proven Strategies to Increase Collaboration and Drive Revenue

Sales and marketing alignment involves integrating workflows, creating shared goals, and strategy for sales and marketing teams. Here are eight strategies to unify them.
Chintan Zalani
March 21, 2023
Ultimate Guide to Sales Forecasting: Using Sales Data to Level Up Your Sales Team
Sales Operations

Ultimate Guide to Sales Forecasting: Using Sales Data to Level Up Your Sales Team

Accurate sales forecasts give you the ability to make smarter, better-informed decisions. In this article, we take a look at what sales forecasting is and how to improve your accuracy.
Chintan Zalani
December 9, 2022
Create the Ultimate Inbound Sales Script: Templates & Tips
Sales Outreach

Create the Ultimate Inbound Sales Script: Templates & Tips

A prospect signed up for your product’s trial. But will they become your customer? Here’s an inbound sales call script to sweep your leads off their feet!
Steli Efti, Chintan Zalani
December 5, 2022
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